The goal of the game Empire is to amass the largest empire.
To grow your empire you simply need to guess correctly who the other characters secret identities are. If you are the last emperor remaining, whose secret identity hasn’t been revealed, you rule the empire and reign supreme.
Minimum of 8 players
Every player chooses a well known character and secretly inputs it into the device. The character can be real life or fictional, famous or infamous, still living or passed away. This is your secret Emperor name so make sure to keep it a SECRET.
Once all of the players have entered a name. Arrange the room so you are sitting in your favorite rounded shape, facing each other. Designate one of the players to be the READER, to start the game. The reader will then CLEARLY read the names aloud, ONE TIME and ONE TIME only.
The rest of the players must be completely SILENT during the reading of the names. Neither the reader or the other players are allowed to repeat the names, and they are not allowed to ask questions. They must simply LISTEN and try to remember the names that are read.
After the reader is finished reading, the person to their LEFT goes first. They have one guess that they can use on ANYONE in the circle. They ask one of the players if they are a specific name that was read. The player asked must answer HONESTLY, yes or no. If they guessed the player’s secret identity correctly, that person joins their Empire and they get an additional turn. If they are incorrect, the player that they last asked is up next, and it is their turn to make a guess. As long as a player guesses correctly they are given an additional turn. You can ONLY make a guess when it is your TURN.